Tuesday, 29 January 2013 15:14

If you’re itching to visit the new advanced waste management plant that will open in 2016 in Copenhagen, be sure to bring your skis. An urban ski park will cover the plant, which will incinerate the waste from five municipalities to generate heat and electricity for 140,000 homes. While their trash is burning inside, locals will be able to take an elevator to the top of the building, then ski down one of three different slopes, graded by difficulty, that jointly run about 5,000 feet.

Construction will begin next year. The idea for the ski slope comes from the Bjarke Ingels Group, the Danish architectural firm that took first prize in a design competition for the new plant.

Alongside the ski slope, the plant’s smokestack will blow smoke rings each time it fills with 440 pounds of carbon dioxide from flue gas.

The new plant continues the European practice of fashioning waste incineration plants as highly designed works of urban architecture rather than dull industrial sites.

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