Friday, 28 June 2013 15:17

The Earth Engineering Center (EEC) of Columbia University in collaboration with WTERT-Greece / SYNERGIA and the Azerbaijani Public Company “Tamiz Shahar” JSC  were the hosts of the interdisciplinary workshop “Waste to Energy as an Integral Part of Sustainable Waste Management Worldwide: The case of Baku city, Azerbaijan“, which was held in Baku, from June 17-21st 2013. The scope of the workshop was the examination of state of the art technologies for sustainable waste management, as well as their impact and implementation worldwide.

This intensive course was successfully completed with great participation on Friday, June 21st 2013 at the University ADA at Baku (Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy). The program was addressed to engineers and other professionals in the environmental sector plus governmental authorities, University students, etc. The 5-day intensive seminar was co-organized by the Earth Engineering Center of Columbia University, WTERT Greece and The Azerbaijani Public Company Tamiz Shahar (responsible for Municipal Waste Management.



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