Mechanical – Biological Treatment (MBT) plants fed by mixed Municipal Solid Waste (MSW). The treatment’s scope is the mechanical separation of waste streams (using factory style conveyors, industrial magnets, eddy current separators, trommels, shredders and other tailor made systems, or the sorting is made by hand) and the biological stabilization of the biodegradable waste fraction (through composting or anaerobic digestion). The final products and residuals differ according to the combination of the MBT technologies, which are presented below:
Mechanical separation and composting of the biodegradable fraction
The first stage includes mechanical separation of the different waste streams, wherein recyclables are collected. The biodegradable fraction is composted and the residuals of the mechanical separation are used to produce a secondary fuel called RDF (Recovered Derived Fuel).
Mechanical separation and anaerobic digestion of the biodegradable fraction followed or not by the maturation (composting) of the digestate
The first stage includes mechanical separation of the different waste streams, wherein recyclables are collected. The biodegradable fraction goes for anaerobic digestion, producing biogas. In most cases, the digestated residual goes for composting. The residuals of the mechanical separation are used to produce a secondary fuel called RDF (Recovered Derived Fuel).
Mechanical separation and biological drying
The first stage includes mechanical separation of the different waste streams, wherein recyclables are collected. The residuals, including the biodegradable fraction, are biologically dried producing a secondary fuel called SRF (Solid Recovered Fuel).
The most important requirement for the successful function of the MBT plants, is the market existence for the secondary products (compost, recyclables, RDF, SRF, biogas)